The Incredible Story of a Hollywood Singer Who Is Quietly Praying With and Ministering to Members of Congress

Steve Amerson is known as the vocalist behind some of the most powerful music in movies like "Star Wars: Rogue One," "Beauty and the Beast" and "The Patriot," among many others. But he's also a voice of hope for Democrats and Republicans in Congress — a quiet source of peace and prayer and a minister to leaders on both sides of the aisle. Amerson, author of the new book, "Tales Of A Troubadour," is a faithful Christian who run an intriguing ministry to some of the most powerful men and women in America — and the world. Here is Amerson's incredible story.

Steve Amerson is known as the vocalist behind some of the most powerful music in movies like "Star Wars: Rogue One," "Beauty and the Beast" and "The Patriot," among many others.

But he's also a voice of hope for Democrats and Republicans in Congress — a quiet source of peace and prayer and a minister to leaders on both sides of the aisle. Amerson, author of the new book, "Tales Of A Troubadour," is a faithful Christian who run an intriguing ministry to some of the most powerful men and women in America — and the world.

Here is Amerson's incredible story.

The Incredible Story of a Hollywood Singer Who Is Quietly Praying With and Ministering to Members of Congress
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