Ex-ESPN Producer Chooses Forgiveness After Alcoholism Wreaks Havoc

Forgiveness can be hard, especially when a loved one has wronged us. But regardless of what happens, Christians are commanded to offer grace to those who have hurt us...no matter what. Of course, this is often easier said than done, as evidence from stories shared by people like Jason Romano. Romano's parents divorced when he was just 6 years old, though he said his dad was "always around" and he saw him on the weekends. Eventually, his dad developed a problem with alcoholism — and, over the years, Romano, a former ESPN producer, said that it sparked family problems and chaos. Here's how he overcame that all.
Forgiveness can be hard, especially when a loved one has wronged us. But regardless of what happens, Christians are commanded to offer grace to those who have hurt us...no matter what. Of course, this is often easier said than done, as evidence from stories shared by people like Jason Romano. Romano's parents divorced when he was just 6 years old, though he said his dad was "always around" and he saw him on the weekends. Eventually, his dad developed a problem with alcoholism — and, over the years, Romano, a former ESPN producer, said that it sparked family problems and chaos. Here's how he overcame that all.
Ex-ESPN Producer Chooses Forgiveness After Alcoholism Wreaks Havoc
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